• 537
  • Objekt-ID
  • Büro und Praxis
  • Objekt-Typ
  • 4345 m²
  • Gesamtfläche
  • 346 m²
  • teilbar ab
  • 14,9 €
  • Miete pro m² ab


The property „“LES 30-34″“ is an office complex consisting of 3 building parts, which are connected with each other via the floors ground floor, 3rd and 4th floor as well as 6th and 7th floor. The two outer buildings I + III have the ground plan of a triangle and the middle building II has the ground plan of a rotunda. The „“LES 30-34″“ is overall very well maintained and offers a modern standard.

The 3 buildings are characterized by their striking aluminum-glass facade, whose generous window areas provide a bright and friendly working atmosphere. The two triangular buildings are additionally naturally lit and ventilated by 1 harmoniously designed inner courtyard each. In addition, the upper floors in particular offer an impressive distant view of the Frankfurt skyline and/or the Taunus mountains.

The 3 buildings are accessed via their own spacious entrance with several passenger elevators and each also has a freight elevator. The entrances, which are laid with natural stone, are enhanced by glass elements and plants and convey a representative character. The middle building II (rotunda) houses a central reception as well as the offices of the building management and the building services. Building III houses the company restaurant and bistro.

A total of up to 587 car parking spaces can be rented in the in-house underground garage and up to 130 parking spaces outside, depending on the vacancy at a ratio of 1:40 m².“


Alle Flächen können nach Möglichkeiten gemäß Ihren Wünschen und Vorstellungen aufgeteilt und ausgestattet werden.

Weiterführende Informationen wie z. B. die vollständige Flächenübersicht, die Objektadresse und Grundrisse erhalten Sie auf Anfrage oder nach Anmeldung im CALEO Hub.


  • Objekt-ID: 537
  • Gesamtfläche: 4345 m²
  • Netto-Kaltmiete pro m²: 14,90 €
  • Objekt-Typ: Büro und Praxis
  • teilbar ab: 346 m²
  • monatl. Betriebs-/Nebenkosten: 4,50 €
  • Stadt Eschborn
  • PLZ 65760
  • Lage Eschborn - Eschborn-West
  • Land Deutschland

Was ist in der Nähe?

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Nach erfolgreicher Vermittlung durch die ONE Hub UG zahlt der Vermieter i. d. R. die anfallende Maklercourtage bei Abschluss eines Mietvertrages. Provisionsfreie Objekte sind entsprechend gekennzeichnet. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, gelten unsere AGBs.

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